The Indian government aims to ensure smooth travel for our dedicated defence personnel. This advisory highlights the existing toll exemption benefit and addresses recent concerns.
Toll Exemption for Defence Personnel
The Indian Toll (Army & Air Force) Act, 1901, exempts all serving personnel of the regular forces from paying toll fees throughout the country. This exemption extends to private vehicles used by defence personnel while on duty or for personal reasons, upon showing their valid Identity Cards (I-Cards).
Recent Issues and Reporting Process
There have been reports of toll plazas, particularly on the new Delhi-Mumbai Expressway, denying this privilege to defence personnel using private vehicles.
Important Instructions for Defence Personnel:
- Maintain Calm:
- In case of a denial at a toll plaza, it’s crucial to avoid any altercation with the toll staff.
- Pay the Toll: If denied exemption, pay the toll fee to avoid further inconvenience.
- Report the Incident: Following the payment, report the incident to the Director General of Operational Logistics & Strategic Management (DG OL&SM) through the formal military communication channel. This will allow authorities to take appropriate action.
Commanders’ Role:
All commanders are requested to sensitize their ranks (troops) about these guidelines. By understanding their rights and the reporting process, defence personnel can ensure a smoother travel experience while exercising their well-deserved toll exemption benefit.
Working Towards a Solution:
The reported incidents highlight the need for better awareness and implementation of existing regulations. By reporting such issues, defence personnel actively contribute to resolving these discrepancies and ensuring their rightful exemptions are acknowledged nationwide.